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Commercial interests

Growing the economic and commercial asset base for Iwi

Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust retains commercial interests that provide good income streams for our mahi. We continue to review our investment strategies and work together with our advisors to ensure we are making positive steps for iwi members.

Waimangu Volcanic Valley

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In 2017 Ngāti Rangitihi alongside Tūhourangi and Te Puia | NZMACI announced their purchase of the Waimangu Volcanic Valley eco-tourism experience.

Waimangu Volcanic Valley is a world class tourism attraction offering sightseeing tours looking at the unique ecology, rare botany,  and fascinating geothermal features of the valley including steaming volcanic crater lakes. It encompasses Lake Rotomahana and is set in pristine New Zealand bush,  20 minutes south of Rotorua and 40 minutes north of Taupō.

Since 2017,  we have seen sustainable and consistent growth which has ben reflected in both visitor numbers and revenue. To achieve this growth,  we have rebranded and consolidated our presence online with a new website,  as well as updating booking and point of sale software - including an interactive app using augmented reality. We were proud to receive the Excellence in Tourism award at the 2019 Westpac Rotorua Business Awards for this innovative way to experience the Pink and White Terraces.

We take our role as kaitiaki of this beautiful tāonga very seriously and it sits at the core of all of our business decisions - particularly those that relate to sustainability, including solar panel installation, additional pest control measures and recycling/waste reduction programmes.

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